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Boy & Bear kündigen neues Album an

Nach vier ARIA-Top-10-Alben, darunter zwei Nummer-eins-Alben, legt die Indie-Band mit einem neuen Werk nach, das sie selbst produziert und in den Golden Retriever Studios in Marrickville (einem innerstädtischen Vorort ihrer Heimatstadt Sydney) aufgenommen hat. Gemischt wurde es von Craig Silvey in den Toast Studios in London.

Über „Apex“ sagt die Band: „This song was a late bloomer. We had most of the record done and then Jon discovered an old version of this song which had a verse and chorus melody but no lyrics. This tends to be the way I write, come up with a melody using sounds and words that fit rhythmically but have no actual meaning, and then work back from there to fill in the story. Often the melody itself starts to drive the themes so it’s really about connecting with the melodic atmosphere and then supporting it with an appropriate story. I always loved the melody so I was determined to come up with the right lyric.“

Und weiter über ihr neues Album: „We wanted to make an album of seductive grooves, soaring melodies, modulated ambient textures, and great stories. We worked hard to strike the right balance between vintage and cutting edge, polished and sure, but full of heart and wild touches. Experimenting with analogue and digital became a happy place on this record, not just in the way we created sounds but also in the way we wrote them, performed them and put them together. After lock down it was great to all be back together in the studio, exploring the music we had been creating via various forms of correspondence. Nothing beats the feeling of getting the band back together and making music collectively. While we kept it local and made the album at home in Sydney, it was a real treat to get to mix the majority of the album with Craig at Toast studios in London. His creative touch added the final ingredient to the album, an album I have had a great time exploring, getting to know and now share with others.“


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Boy & Bear
Boy & Bear
  • Neuer Store Lager
  • Audio-CD – Hörbuch
  • Zielgruppen-Bewertung: Freigegeben ohne Altersbeschränkung
  • Boy & Bear (H’Art) (Herausgeber)

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